Satified Living
Welcome to Satified Living, where we believe learning to be with Stillness generates a Satisfied Life.
We believe everyone deserves a life of freedom, fulfillment, and peace, energized by personal truth and equipped to deal with external pressures. Settling into stillness uncovers the path & these truths.
Our mission is to empower individuals and organizations through Inner Connection & Mindful Practices. A content Individual is the key to Success, in all fields of Life.
Our Vision
At Satified Living, we envision a world where Satisfaction is not just a concept, but a reality. We strive to facilitate Inner Contentment that promotes mental, emotional and physical wellbeing, leading to a Fulfilled & Engaged Individual in all aspects of life.
Our Story
Our journey began with a simple yet powerful idea that a Satisfied Individual is a Powerful Force. Through our tailored wellness programs and consult services, we witness transformations within Individuals and organizations, reinforcing our belief in the impact of the practice of Stillness.
Our Community
Join our community of like minded individuals who are committed to embracing Mindfulness as a practice of life. Together, we can inspire & support each other in sustained well-being.
Self Transformation is not just about changing yourself. It means shifting yourself to a completely new dimension of experience & perception.
Jaggi Vasudev
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